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DOI: 10.31038/AWHC.2018113


Introduction: Violence against women (VAW) is a menace that is increasing all over the world. It is one of the most widespread human rights abuses and a public health problem. Most victims of violence against women know their perpetrators.

Case Presentation: A 28 year old single lady had a quarrel with her female neigbour. The neigbour’s husband held the single lady’s hands behind her and ordered his wife tit beat up the single lady. The female neigbour then bit the left upper eye lid of the single lady resulting in haemorrhage and pain. The injury was sutured.

Conclusion: Men are not the only perpetrators of such violence. Single women are at risk of being victims of violence. To end violence against women, everyone is involved because in some societies such issues are never discussed in public.

Key Words

Violence, Single Lady, Human Bite, Eye


Violence against women is a menace that is increasing worldwide. It takes the form of sexual abuse and rape, physical injury comprising of cuts, bruises, human bite and burns and sexual harassment at the workplace. The perpetrators are usually male partners or colleagues. Violence against women is wide spread around the world [1]. It is a term used to collectively refer to violent acts that are primarily or exclusively committed against women and physical abuse is one of the commonest forms of abuse [2]. It is a form of gender based violence which can be described as any harm that is perpetrated against a person as a result of inequalities that are based on gender roles [3]. The united nations declaration on the elimination of violence against women in 1993 defines violence against women as any act of gender based violence that results in or is likely to result in physical, sexual or psychological harm of suffering of women including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty whether occurring in private or public life [4]. Violence against women is a major public health and human rights concern [5]. For this reason the United Nations has designated November 25 as the international day for the elimination of violence against women 2. Violence against women is a burning issue of human rights often swept under the carpet as if it does not matter especially in Africa and particularly in Nigeria [1]. Worldwide governments and various organizations are actively working to combat this menace through a variety of programmes [2]. Women are crucial to the growth and development of any nation2 therefore violence against women is a major threat to social and economic development [1].

Case Presentation

A twenty eight year old single Nigerian lady had a quarrel with her female neigbour. The neigbour’s husband overpowered the single lady by holding the single lady’s hands behind her and commanded his wife to beat up the single lady. The single lady was bitten on the left upper eye lid by her neigbour. There was haemorrhage and pain.

On examination, there was a 4cm laceration on the upper left eye lid with rough edges bleeding palpebral conjunctiva and eyeball were intact. Visual acuity could not be properly assessed because the patient was uncooperative because the left eye was very tender. Irrigation was done. The patient was to pay out of pocket, so she refused treatment and presented three days later by which time there was profuse foul smelling pussy discharge from the injury. Irrigation was done and the discharge sent for microbiological studies. Analgesics and antibiotics were administered. The laceration was sutured when the eye discharge had subsided.




Violence against women is a serious issue and can render a woman disabled in extreme as in this case if there was no prompt treatment, the single lady may have lost one eye. It is not only men that physically abuse women as in this case the violence was perpetrated by a couple. There is a stigma of being single in some societies as the woman is seen as being unable to defend herself because she has no body to speak for her. Sometimes single ladies are even abused and violated by their own relatives’ and friends. In this case the victim’s neigbour overpowered her physically and authorized his wife to beat her up because the victim had no male partner at that time to fight for her. Not being able to assess health insurance led to a delay in the management as the victim had to pay out of pocket and she did not have the money at the time the injury occurred. Further delay in the management may have led to blindness or poor vision in the affected eye. The discomfort from the injury led to some loss of work days. There some non-governmental organizations in Nigeria that helps to fight violence against women. Single women which include women that have never married, those divorce and widows are usually the victims of violence and discrimination in the society.


Men are not the only perpetrators of violence against women. Single women that include the never married, divorced and widowed are at risk of being violated physically, socially and financially (that is economically). Health insurance is important in the management of injuries resulting from violence against women. Ending violence against women involves everyone.


  1. Haaga PT, Elechi FA, Okoye AC (2015) Violence against Women and Its Implications for Peace and Security in Nigeria. International Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies 2: 27–40.
  2. Alokan FB (2013) Domestic Violence against Women: A Family Menace, 1st Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference, AIIC, Book of Proceedings, 100–107.
  3. Ashimolowo OR, Otufale GA (2012) Assessment of domestic violence among women in Ogun State, Nigeria. Greener Journal of Social Sciences 2: 102–114.
  4. General Assembly Resolution 48/08 of 28 December 1993.
  5. Mbadugha EI (2016) Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence against Women: Any End in Sight. International Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research 5: 9–18.

Article Type

Case Report

Publication history

Received: September 28, 2018
Accepted: October 11, 2018
Published: October 12, 2018


Dabota Yvonne Buowari (2018) Violence Against Women: A Case Report of Violence Perpetrated By a Couple on a Single Lady. ARCH Women Health Care Volume 1(1): 1–2. DOI: 10.31038/AWHC.2018113

Corresponding author

Dabota Yvonne Buowari
Medical Women Association of Nigeria,
Rivers State Branch,
New Jerusalem Road,
Bonny, Rivers State, Nigeria;
Tel: +2348037324401;