DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019421

My Hypothesis: is the

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“The agent na + acts constantly on the circulatory rotation of the neurons, which accentuates the operational deficiency of the cellular rhythm in normal state, the agent ca acts on the bone system and indirectly on the cardiac rhythm. Body Gravity is based on the magnetic field of each neuron. Neurons provide the transmission of a bioelectric signal called nerve impulse. Neurons have two physiological properties: excitability or the ability to respond to stimulations and convert them into nerve impulses, and conductivity, which is the ability to transmit impulses. The source of the body’s energies is the mitochondria, the power plant of the cells. This relativity provokes the law of body weight with respect to the atmospheric deficiency.”

The human body encompasses three functional energies:

1- Energy A CST 2019-102 - Raja Tunisia_F2 Cognition

It is a substantial energy; it acts on the level of the blood circulation by allowing it to renew itself. The component cells circulate at a steady rate at the heart rate and react according to the intensity of the body’s magnetic energy. It is the level crossing of the blood system, it deteriorates the infectious level of blood while proceeding to the multiplication of red and white blood cells, the functional ion of this energy are located at the level of the central axis of the liver. The substantial energy acts at the level of the blood circulation allowing it to renew itself. The component cells circulate at a steady rate at the heart rate and react according to the intensity of the magnetic energy and that in the parallel direction of the sun. This explains that the rejection of toxins at the level of the lymph acts on the protection of the body of any destructive energy.

2- Energy B CST 2019-102 - Raja Tunisia_F2 Body

It is functional and self-defense energy of the body, the rejection of toxins at the level of the lymph acts on the protection of the body from all destructive energy at the moment when the radioactive rays act directly on the vision of the producing cells.

3- Energy C CST 2019-102 - Raja Tunisia_F2 Brain

It is an impulsive energy that allows the elimination of any toxic body accessing the envelopment of neurons that are made of a very thin but very strong connective and protective tissue acting on the lymph. Its texture is formed from chromosomes very rich in proteins and iron, it mainly participates in the constitution of embryonic cells, this element projects rays that act directly on the gray matter fighting in this way any radioactive body or viral foreign For this reason, in the event of failure, a malfunction occurs which in turn causes the elimination of the agent, so a substantial imbalance in the bones appears. This imbalance subsequently affects the spinal cord and causes lesions via atmospheric radioactive waves.

The Relativity

Substantial energy has some cellular fragments of the lymph and it is at this level that the nerve of the senses is located which is the motor of the brain. The root is located at the spine L5 / S1 which is the most important region because it is the center of gravity and is the source of any organic failure. The gray matter is the only essence of the bone mechanism. This liquid contains 1 billion 175,000 active cells, each cell contains a neuron, each neuron comprises the set of: an atom of oxygen + an atom of iron + a volume of magnesium ,each atom is enveloped by a thin wall containing an electric charge this charge represents the life of the body. Impulsive energy propagates very powerful and undetectable rays that act on the gray matter and cause heat that is distributed at the body level and expands as a function of the body’s magnetic field; these rays are propagated by solar energy. It acts on the circulatory rotation of the neurons, which accentuates the operational deficiency of the cellular rhythm in a normal state; the calcium reacts on the bone circuit and indirectly on the cardiac rhythm thing which controls the law of the gravity of the organism compared to atmospheric deficiency. The electrical intensity expands the circuits feeding the gray matter; this pressure causes a force of gravity on the cells composing the tissues and proceeds to the electric charge of the chromosomes that makes a movement: The functional energy.

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Pain Syndrome

In case the Body energies’ Relativity fails as soon as the toxins roll up carbon, which weakens the activity of the oxygen agent and leads to an imbalance in the iron rate in the body the pain takes place. It is caused by an atmospheric virus: MN originating from an atmospheric failure and affecting in depth the body metabolism. The cure must be fixed on a Remedy that is placed under an external application that reacts on the lymph and spreads to the Gray matter. Its active effect at the level of the organism will not allow any shaking of the defensive cells at the level of the organism and reacts directly on the gray matter and act on the heart and cell rhythm and goes up to the neurons.

A – The Definition of Pain:

Pain is a feeling of strong pressure that unites discomfort and choking from the outside to the inside with a higher than normal vibration of the energy of the body which causes a cooling or warming of the affected tip.

B – Different types of pain:

  1. Pain is localized or spread = Inflammatory pain.
  2. Pain is transverse = Viral pain.

In Practice

The medical therapy must be based on natural agents. The destruction of the cell itself must be fixed on a remedy that is placed under an external application that reacts on the lymph and spreads to the gray matter. Its active effect at the level of the organism will not allow any shaking of the defensive cells at the level of the organism and reacts directly on the gray matter and its detection will only be positive if the body is really impoverished in iron, the agent act on the heart and cell rhythm and goes up to the radiation of neurons. As a result to my Hypothesis I innovated a product as a gel for external application, its composition is natural, gives tenacity and rebalances the body energies and leaves room for remarkable body immunity.

The proposed treatment is based on natural therapy. Gravity G- is an Energetic treatment product is presented as a cream or gel, for external application; its composition is natural, gives tenacity and rebalances the body energies that leaves place for remarkable body immunity. Gravity G- Gel will be the cure therapy rebalancing. It fights the body energy affects. It acts on several levels.

Example: Used As a Pain treatment: When applied to the affected area of the body to eliminate pain in extreme intensity. And annihilates the perception of the pain or its translation in terms of intensity.


Pain is an infection caused by an external atmospheric virus originating from an atmospheric failure and affecting in depth the body metabolism. Summarizing, relativity leads us to study in an innovative way the human body movement and its coordination with the cognition and brain.

The excess of carbon attributes to an immune weakness at the level of the antibodies and subsequently at the level of the nervous system which becomes compressed by the continuous influx of the arterial pressure, The Main cause of the failure in the Body energies’ relativity Is the MN Atmospheric virus , the components of this viral cell are spheric virus derivative from APOPHIS. Previously known by Asteroid 2004 MN4.

Article Type

Short Communication

Publication history

Received: February 18, 2019
Accepted: March 04, 2019
Published: April 30, 2019


Raja Tounsi (2019) MN Virus. Cancer Stud Ther J Volume 4(2): 1–2. DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019421

Corresponding author

Raja Tounsi,PhD,
Tunis Governorate,
Tunisia Aerospace and Aviation,