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DOI: 10.31038/PSYJ.2022434


Introduction: Health is of the most significant affairs we are in challenge based on the crisis such as COVID-19 or any others such so. We aimed to review and follow Gonabad city activities for preventing and finding a way out of COVID-19 pandemic.

Methods: In this study, different sources of information such as the news, articles, mass media, and some people’s views were investigated regarding the subject. The local mass media were also followed to know the activities being done in the city, as well.

Results: Based on priorities and potentialities and the culture ruling the city or the country, some have relied on mass-scale testing to segregate the infected ones from the uninfected ones or have had a carefully monitored, micro-managed region-specific quarantine strategy or even adopted a strategy of a national lockdown, home lockdown and quarantine, covering mask, conducting social distancing and washing hands 20 times for 20 seconds every day. Some have referred to disinfectants, using traditional drugs and some vegetables and local grasses, however, they have not shown or it does not seem to be sure of any positive and treatment impact, but a way out of stress and fear of COVID-19 pandemic for most of them.

Conclusion: The people should be aware and try to care about it and learn the protocols and health recommendations that is advised by the men and the organizations responsible in the country as they are waiting for a safe and immune way out of it.


COVID-19, Crisis, Immunity, Social Health, Health Protocols

In December 2019, a new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) emerged, sparking an epidemic of acute respiratory syndrome (COVID-19) in humans, centered in Wuhan, China. Within three months, the virus had spread to more than 118,000 cases and caused 4,291 deaths in 114 countries (Up to now, COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic Last updated: August 01, 2020, 05:53 GMT: Coronavirus Cases: 17,770,530; Deaths: 683,229 and Recovered: 11,167,447), leading the World Health Organization to declare a global pandemic. The pandemic has led to a massive global public health campaign to slow the spread of the virus by increasing hand washing, reducing face touching, wearing masks in public and physical distancing [1].

The world is in a deep crisis and a dangerous challenge with no parallels to draw experiences and lessons from. In most countries the infection curve hasn’t really flattened at present and they are faced with a big crisis and if the lockdown, that is one of the preventive ways of the pandemic, is withdrawn without any proper alternative, the world must bear a potential health crisis, in spite of the fact that its lockdown continues in its current form, so many other problems such as joblessness, economic crisis, food crisis, stress, depression, suicide, divorce increasing, local and global clashes, being tired and so many problems resulted from its continuation and prolonged economic shutdown will appear to bother the populations through the world from the poor to average and the riches. Then what’s the way out? It is a big question. How the global economy be actively running while keeping the health crisis under reasonable control? A possible way out, till the COVID-19 vaccine arrives, is providing personal protective equipment (PPE) and follow the health protocols being provided and recommended to all the workers in sectors which need to be opened up on priority. We take our city, Gonabad, as a case in point but this can be true for any economy and city. Based on priorities and potentialities and the culture ruling the city or the country, some have relied on mass-scale testing to segregate the infected ones from the uninfected ones or have had a carefully monitored, micro-managed region-specific quarantine strategy or even adopted a strategy of a national lockdown, home lockdown and quarantine, covering mask, conducting social distancing and washing hands 20 times for 20 seconds every day. Some have referred to disinfectants, using traditional drugs and some vegetables and local grasses, however, they have not shown or it does not seem to be sure of any positive and treatment impact, but a way out of stress and fear of COVID-19 pandemic for most of them.

Since Epidemiological records in China suggest that up to 85% of human-to-human transmission has occurred in family clusters and that 2055 health-care workers have become infected, with an absence of major nosocomial outbreaks and some supporting evidence that some health-care workers acquired infection in their families. These findings suggest that close and unprotected exposure is required for transmission by direct contact or by contact with fomites in the immediate environment of those with infection. Continuing reports from outside China suggest the same means of transmission to close contacts and persons who attended the same social events [2]. Then, it should be believed that following the health protocols and recommendations from Ministry of Health and Medical Education or Corona virus control center in the country must be considered as a big and important way out of the pandemic at the first.

Facing the COVID-19 pandemic, Gonabad people must take decisive action to stop the spread of the virus at least in local area. In these critical and fearful circumstances, it is essential that everyone be informed about other health risks, hazards and dangers of COVID-19 pandemic and the next problems it can leave and if they are informed and sufficient information is given and presented to have a deep impact on the population, then they can stay safe and live healthy. As one of the health workers in Allameh Bohlool hospital said the in bed patients for corona virus is subsiding in Aug month and this is for more covering mask, following social distancing, avoiding of crowd, ceremonies, traditional funerals in crowd, close contact and following other recommendations and advices, that not Iran but whole the men of responsible call out and insist in the world.

Recommendations and advice for the public during previous outbreaks due to other coronavirus (Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), human-to-human transmission occurred through droplets, contact and fomites, suggesting that the transmission mode of the COVID-19 can be similar. The basic principles to reduce the general risk of transmission of acute respiratory infections include the following: Avoiding close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections, Frequent hand-washing, especially after direct contact with ill people or their environment, Avoiding unprotected contact with farm or wild animals, People with symptoms of acute respiratory infection should practice cough etiquette (maintain distance, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and wash hands) and within healthcare facilities, enhance standard infection prevention and control practices in hospitals, especially in emergency departments. WHO does not recommend any specific health measures for travelers? In case of symptoms suggestive of respiratory illness either during or after travel, travelers are encouraged to seek medical attention and share their travel history with their health care provider [3].

COVID-19, our new and may long-time guest has brought about so many different concerns for our planet living creatures and mostly, up to now, people feared and lost hope to live safe and immune, since it is too dangerous, complicated and mysterious to be prevented, controlled or be stopped [4].

Therefore, To be safe, healthy and live in peace, the people of Gonabad and all of the cities in the world also should consider the recommendations and the said advices presented based on science and standards of WHO and Iran Ministry of Health and Medical Education or their health ministries to reach the goal and prevent to overcome COVID-19 pandemic as soon as possible with low cost and time. Through cooperation, knowledge sharing, following health standard messages advised, exhibit a novel cultural effort and have a look on health workers struggling for saving lives with no stop round the clock and considering that they are also human and may be tired and washed out one day, we can defeat corona virus and let it be such as other controlled and prevented diseases and viruses that once upon a time were ruling over the planet. Hope to be such so.


  1. Bavel JJV, Baicker K, Boggio PS et al. (2020) Using social and behavioral science to support COVID-19 pandemic response. Nat Hum Behav 4: 460-471.[crossref]
  2. Bedford J, Enria D, Giesecke J, Heymann DL, Ihekweazu C, et al. (2020) COVID-19: towards controlling of a pandemic. The Lancet 395: 1015-1018.[crossref]
  3. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report – 33. Data as reported by 10AM CET 22 February 2020.
  4. Atarodi A, Atarodi A (2020) The world concerns of covid-19 pandemic in people’s daily life. EC Psychology and Psychiatry 9:10-12.[crossref]

Article Type

Letter to Editor

Publication history

Received: May 11, 2022
Accepted: May 18, 2022
Published: May 25, 2022


Atarodi A, Atarodi H (2022) Gonabad City is also to Find Its Way Out of COVID-19 Pandemic. Psychol J Res Open Volume 4(3): 1–2. DOI: 10.31038/PSYJ.2022434

Corresponding author

Alireza Atarodi
Assistant Professor
Department of Knowledge and Information Science
Paramedical College and Social Development & Health Promotion Research Center
Gonabad University of Medical Sciences