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DOI: 10.31038/JMG.2021411


Haplotypes and allele frequencies for the 17 Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat (Y-STR) loci, DYS456, DYS389I, DYS390, DYS389II, DYS458, DYS19, DYS385a/b, DYS393, DYS391, DYS439, DYS635, DYS392, Y GATA H4, DYS437, DYS438 and DYS448 were determined in a sample of “On To’rt Urıw” tribes 100 unrelated Karakalpak males living in the regions of Xojeli (20), Taxiatosh (20), Shimbai (20), Konirat (20) and Moynaq (20) using the Y-filer PCR Amplification Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific). The gene diversity was 0.9998 (standard error: 0.005). The haplotype diversity calculated from the 17 Y-STR loci was 0.9977 and the discrimination capacity was 0.8890. The DYS385 locus showed the highest gene diversity value (0.8765), while the DYS391 locus showed the lowest gene diversity value (0.5033).


DNA analysis, Y chromosome, Population data


There have been few reports regarding genetic polymorphisms at the Y-STR loci in Karakalpak population [1-4]. The Karakalpaks are a heterogenous people, their appearance ranging from European to Mongoloid. The Karakalpaks as a whole are divided into two divisions, known as arıs, the Qon’ırat and the On To’rt Urıw. The term On To’rt Urıw, which means fourteen tribes, is somewhat misleading since the On To’rt Urıw are actually composed of just four tribes: the Qıtay, Qıpshaq, Keneges, and the Man’g’ıt. Also, The four tribes of the On To’rt Urıw are also divided into clans: the Qıtay into 12, the Qıpshaq into 13, the Keneges into 8, and the Man’g’ıt into 4. The difference between a tribe and a clan is defined by matrimonial alliances. The Karakalpaks practice exogamy. It is not possible to marry within one’s own clan, but it is possible to marry into another clan within one’s own tribe.

The world population of Karakalpaks is probably less than 600,000, making them one of the smallest Turkic groups in Central Asia. About 80% live in the Autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan, the remainder being mainly located in other parts of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. For comparison, the Qazaqs may number up to 14 million worldwide, of which only 8½ million (about 60%) live in Kazakhstan. Surprisingly the Karakalpaks are not the dominant population of Karakalpakstan – they make up less than one third of the population and are just outnumbered by Uzbeks, some of whom have moved into southern Karakalpakstan from other parts of Uzbekistan in recent years. This study aimed to investigate the haplotypes and allele frequencies for the 17 Y-STR loci in population and establish forensic DNA database.

Materials and Methods

Objects of the Research

The subjects of the study were blood samples and dried saliva on sterile gauze tampons, selected from 100 individuals.

DNA Extraction

Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood and dried saliva samples using the phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol method.

DNA Quantification

After isolation, the quantity of genomic DNA of each sample was determined by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the Quantifiler™ Human Male DNA Quantification kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific), which includes internal positive control to test for the presence of PCR inhibitors in the DNA extracts. Quantitative real-time PCR was performed on 7500 Real-Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems).

PCR Amplification and Detection

To ensure successful amplification, 0.5 ng to 1 ng of DNA was used for each multiplex amplification reaction. All thermal cycling was conducted on Applied Biosystems® GeneAmp® PCR System 9700 thermal cyclers. PCR amplification using Y-filer PCR Amplification Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific) was performed as recommended by the manufacturer, although half of the recommended reaction volume (12.5 μl) was used.

Separation and detection of the 17 Y-STR loci were performed using the 3130xl Genetic Analyser (Applied Biosystems) 16-capillary array system and filter set G5. Each sample was prepared by adding 1 mL PCR product to 14 mL of Hi-Di™ formamide and 0.4 mL GeneScanTM-500 LIZ™ internal size standard (Thermo Fisher Scientific).

The sample run data were analyzed, together with an allelic ladder and positive and negative controls, using GeneMapper ID-X v3.2 (Applied Biosystems) software.

Table 1:

B_DYS456 B_DYS389I B_DYS390 B_DYS389II G_DYS458 G_DYS19 Y_DYS393 Y_DYS391 Y_DYS439 Y_DYS635 Y_DYS392 R_Y_GATA_H4 R_DYS437 R_DYS438 R_DYS448


8 0,0108 0,0430
9 0,0753 0,0323 0,0968 0,0376
10 0,6667 0,3118 0,0215 0,0215 0,3656 0,0108
11 0,2258 0,3333 0,5914 0,4409 0,4624 0,1505
12 0,1828 0,2903 0,0323 0,2473 0,0538 0,4301 0,0645 0,1774
13 0,5591 0,0645 0,6129 0,0538 0,1398 0,0753 0,0215 0,2097
14 0,0968 0,2581 0,0215 0,3118 0,0968 0,0538 0,1720 0,6452 0,1452
15 0,5269 0,1075 0,3333 0,0108 0,2151 0,0645
16 0,2473 0,2473 0,2151 0,0108 0,1183 0,0376
17 0,0968 0,3656 0,0753 0,0538
18 0,0323 0,1398 0,0860 0,0376
19 0,0430 0,0860 0,0215 0,2366 0,0054
20 0,0323 0,0645 0,4839 0,0215
21 0,2688 0,0645 0,0054
22 0,0968 0,1505 0,1290
23 0,2581 0,2903
24 0,2473 0,1828
25 0,3441 0,0215
27 0,0108 0,0215
28 0,1183
29 0,3978
30 0,2258
31 0,1613
32 0,0753
Gene diversity (D) 0,6484 0,5937 0,7506 0,7527 0,7735 0,7436 0,5365 0,5033 0,7326 0,7908 0,6040 0,6201 0,5288 0,6459 0,6891 0,8765

Table 2:

ID DYS456 DYS389I DYS390 DYS389II DYS458 DYS19 DYS385 DYS393 DYS391 DYS439 DYS635 DYS392 YGATAH4 DYS437 DYS438 DYS448
Sample 1_Xojeli 17 13 25 29 16 16 11, 13 13 10 11 23 11 12 14 11 20
Sample 2_Xojeli 15 13 23 32 16 13 15, 17 14A 10 13 22 14 11 13 11 19
Sample 3_Xojeli 15 14 19 30 17 14 13, 13 13 10 13 24 13 11 15 10 19
Sample 4_Xojeli 15 13 25 31 16 15 11, 15 13 11 10 23 11 12 14 11 20
Sample 5_Xojeli 15 13 25 31 16 15 11, 15 13 11 10 23 11 12 14 11 20
Sample 6_Xojeli 15 13 22 29 19 15 9, 16 12 10 12 21 14 11 16 10 18
Sample 7_Xojeli 15 13 24 29 18 14 13, 18 12 10 11 20 14 12 15 11 20
Sample 8_Xojeli 15 12 24 27 17 14 11, 14 12 11 13 23 14 11 15 12 19
Sample 9_Xojeli 16 14 24 30 17 15 11, 14 13 10 11 23 13 12 14 11 18
Sample 10_Xojeli 14 14 23 30 17 14 12, 13 14 10 10 22 14 12 14 10 19
Sample 11_Xojeli 16 14 24 30 17 15 11, 14 13 10 11 23 13 12 14 11 18
Sample 12_Xojeli 15 13 25 29 18 17 12, 12 13 10 10 21 11 11 14 10 22
Sample 13_Xojeli 15 12 23 28 19 15 13, 18 12 10 12 22 11 11 15 9 22
Sample 14_Xojeli 14 13 23 29 17 14 11, 13 14 10 10 22 14 12 14 10 19
Sample 15_Xojeli 16 14 24 29 16 15 12, 15 12 10 14 24 14 13 14 12 18
Sample 16_Xojeli 15 13 25 29 17 17 12, 13 13 10 10 21 11 11 14 10 22
Sample 17_Xojeli 15 13 25 31 15 16 11, 14 13 11 10 24 11 12 14 11 20
Sample 18_Xojeli 15 13 25 29 17 17 12, 12 13 10 10 21 11 11 14 10 21
Sample 19_Xojeli 15 13 25 29 17 17 12, 12 13 10 10 21 11 11 14 10 21
Sample 20_Xojeli 15 14 23 30 15 15 11, 21 14 10 11 21 11 11 14 10 21
Sample 1_Taxiatosh 15 13 22 30 17 14 13, 13 12 10 11 24 11 11 15 9 20
Sample 2_Taxiatosh 18 12 22 29 16 15 13, 13 12 10 11 22 11 11 14 12 20
Sample 3_Taxiatosh 15 12 24 29 20 14 13, 18 12 10 13 19 14 12 16 11 20
Sample 4_Taxiatosh 16 13 23 28 17 14 11, 14 13 11 11 23 13 12 15 12 19
Sample 5_Taxiatosh 15 13 23 29 18 14 12, 18 14 10 10 24 10 12 16 11 19
Sample 6_Taxiatosh 15 13 24 29 17 14 13, 18 12 10 11 20 14 12 15 11 20
Sample 7_Taxiatosh 15 13 25 29 18 16 12, 13 13 10 10 22 11 11 14 10 22
Sample 8_Taxiatosh 15 13 22 30 15 14 13, 13 13 11 13 23 13 11 15 10 20
Sample 9_Taxiatosh 16 14 24 30 17 15 11, 14 13 10 11 23 13 12 14 11 18
Sample 10_Taxiatosh 14 12 23 28 16 14 13, 15 13 10 11 21 11 11 16 10 20
Sample 11_Taxiatosh 16 14 25 32 15 15 11, 12 13 11 10 23 11 14 14 11 18
Sample 12_Taxiatosh 15 13 22 29 18 17 9, 17 12 10 12 21 14 11 16 10 19
Sample 13_Taxiatosh 14 13 22 31 19 14 13, 15 12 10 12 22 11 11 16 10 19
Sample 14_Taxiatosh 14 13 22 31 19 14 13, 15 12 10 12 22 11 11 16 10 19
Sample 15_Taxiatosh 15 13 24 30 20 14 13, 16 12 10 11 21 11 11 15 10 19
Sample 16_Taxiatosh 15 14 24 32 14 16 11, 12 13 9 10 23 11 12 14 11 20
Sample 17_Taxiatosh 16 13 23 29 16 14 12, 14 13 10 11 21 15 12 14 10 19
Sample 18_Taxiatosh 18 13 23 31 16 15 13, 13 12 10 12 22 11 11 16 9 20
Sample 19_Taxiatosh 14 14 23 30 17 14 11, 13 15 10 10 22 16 11 14 11 19
Sample 20_Taxiatosh 16 13 25 29 16 16 11, 14 13 10 11 23 11 12 14 11 20
Sample 1_Shimbai 15 14 23 31 17 14 15.2, 15.2 12 10 12 24 11 11 14 9 21
Sample 2_Shimbai 15 12 25 29 18 16 11, 14 13 11 10 23 11 13 14 11 20
Sample 3_Shimbai 15 13 25 29 18 16 12, 13 13 10 12 21 11 11 14 10 22
Sample 4_Shimbai 14 12 24 27 17 17 11, 14 13 10 12 21 11 12 15 11 20
Sample 5_Shimbai 15 12 23 29 17 13 17.2, 17.2 13 10 12 21 11 9 14 10 20
Sample 6_Shimbai 15 12 23 29 18 15 12, 12 12 10 12 24 12 12 14 11 20
Sample 7_Shimbai 15 13 24 29 18 15 12, 12 13 10 11 21 11 11 14 10 22
Sample 8_Shimbai 15 13 25 29 17 17 12, 12 13 10 10 21 11 11 14 10 22
Sample 9_Shimbai 16 13 25 30 15 15 11, 14 13 11 10 24 11 12 14 11 20
Sample 10_Shimbai 15 13 24 29 19 15 12, 12 13 10 11 21 11 11 14 10 22
Sample 11_Shimbai 16 13 24 32 16 15 11, 15 12 10 10 24 11 12 14 11 20
Sample 12_Shimbai 16 13 24 32 16 15 11, 15 12 10 10 24 11 12 14 11 20
Sample 13_Shimbai 17 13 27 31 15 15 11, 14 13 12 11 23 11 11 14 11 20
Sample 14_Shimbai 15 13 25 31 16 15 11, 15 13 11 10 23 11 12 14 11 20
Sample 15_Shimbai 15 12 23 29 17 13 16, 17 13 10 12 21 11 9 14 10 20
Sample 16_Shimbai 16 14 25 30 16 15 11, 11 13 10 12 21 7 11 14 11 19
Sample 17_Shimbai 18 13 22 31 16 15 13, 13 12 10 12 22 11 11 16 9 20
Sample 18_Shimbai 15 12 24 28 17 16 12, 19 12 10 11 22 13 11 15 10 19
Sample 19_Shimbai 14 14 25 31 16 15 12, 14 13 11 10 23 14 11 14 11 20
Sample 20_Shimbai 15 13 25 31 16 15 11, 15 13 11 10 23 11 12 14 11 20
Sample 1_Konirat 15 13 25 29 18 16 12, 13 13 10 10 21 11 11 14 10 22
Sample 2_Konirat 16 14 23 30 17 14 11, 12 13 11 12 24 14 12 15 12 20
Sample 3_Konirat 15 14 19 30 17 14 13, 13 13 10 14 24 13 11 15 10 19
Sample 4_Konirat 16 13 25 29 17 16 11, 14 13 11 10 23 11 13 14 11 20
Sample 5_Konirat 16 13 25 31 15 17 11, 13 13 10 11 23 11 13 14 11 20
Sample 6_Konirat 15 13 24 28 15 15 13, 17 13 10 11 21 13 12 14 10 18
Sample 7_Konirat 15 12 24 28 19 15 11, 16 12 10 12 20 12 12 15 10 19
Sample 8_Konirat 16 13 25 30 19 16 11, 14 13 11 10 23 11 12 14 11 20
Sample 9_Konirat 15 12 22 28 17 15 12, 15 14 10 11 21 11 10 16 10 22
Sample 10_Konirat 15 14 24 30 18 13 13, 14 13 9 10 21 11 12 14 10 20
Sample 11_Konirat 17 13 23 28 19 13 13, 16 13 10 11 23 16 11 14 11 22
Sample 12_Konirat 16 14 25 32 16 15 11, 14 13 10 10 23 12 11 14 11 20
Sample 13_Konirat 15 14 23 31 17 14 15.2, 15.2 12 10 12 24 11 11 14 9 21
Sample 14_Konirat 15 12 24 28 17 16 12, 19 12 10 11 22 13 11 15 10 19
Sample 15_Konirat 16 13 25 31 17 16 12, 14 13 11 11 24 11 13 14 11 20
Sample 16_Konirat 16 13 23 30 16 13 15, 17 14 11 12 23 14 11 13 11 19
Sample 17_Konirat 15 13 24 29 16 14 13, 17 12 10 12 21 11 11 14 10 20
Sample 18_Konirat 15 13 23 29 17 14 13, 18 12 10 11 20 14 12 15 11 20
Sample 19_Konirat 16 13 25 29 16 15 13, 14 13 10 12 20 11 12 14 11 20
Sample 20_Konirat 17 14 25 32 15 16 11, 14 13 11 10 23 11 12 14 11 21
Sample 1_Moynaq 15 12 24 28 18 14 12.2, 12.2 13 10 12 20 14 12 15 11 20
Sample 2_Moynaq 17 13 23 28 19 13 13, 16 13 10 11 23 16 11 14 11 22
Sample 3_Moynaq 14 13 23 28 15 14 13, 16 12 9 11 21 11 13 15 9 20
Sample 4_Moynaq 15 14 19 30 17 14 13, 14 13 11 14 24 13 11 15 10 19
Sample 5_Moynaq 15 14 19 30 17 14 13, 13 13 10 14 24 13 11 15 10 19
Sample 6_Moynaq 17 13 25 29 16 16 11, 14 13 10 14 23 11 12 14 11 20
Sample 7_Moynaq 17 12 25 29 17 16 10, 14 13 11 11 23 11 12 14 11 21
Sample 8_Moynaq 16 13 23 29 18 14 12, 18 14 10 10 24 10 12 16 11 19
Sample 9_Moynaq 16 13 25 29 17 16 11, 14 13 12 10 23 11 13 14 11 20
Sample 10_Moynaq 15 13 22 28 19 16 9, 17 12 10 11 22 13 11 16 10 18
Sample 11_Moynaq 15 12 23 30 17 15 12, 17 12 10 12 19 13 12 15 10 19
Sample 12_Moynaq 17 13 25 29 16 16 11, 14 13 10 11 23 11 12 14 11 20
Sample 13_Moynaq 16 14 25 32 16 15 11, 14 13 10 10 23 12 11 14 11 20
Sample 14_Moynaq 15 14 24 31 20 15 12, 12 13 9 11 22 11 10 14 10 20
Sample 15_Moynaq 14 14 23 30 16 14 11, 13 14 11 10 22 14 12 14 10 19
Sample 16_Moynaq 17 12 24 29 17 15 12, 14 13 10 12 21 11 11 14 11 20
Sample 17_Moynaq 15 13 24 29 14 14 13, 17 12 10 12 21 11 11 14 10 20
Sample 18_Moynaq 16 13 25 31 17 16 12, 12 13 11 11 24 11 12 14 11 20
Sample 19_Moynaq 17 13 25 29 16 16 11, 14 13 10 11 23 11 12 14 11 20
Sample 20_Moynaq 17 12 25 29 17 16 10, 14 13 11 11 23 11 12 14 11 21

Statistical Analysis

Comparison information of the sample data was generated using an in-house software program involving DNA-expert macros designed to check for allele sharing across all loci. For all analyses the DYS385 locus was treated as a single haplotype and not two separate alleles. The gene diversity (D) was calculated as


where pi is the frequency of the ith haplotype [3]. The discriminatory capacity was determined by dividing the number of different haplotypes by the number of samples in that population. The discrimination capacity (DC) was determined by the formula n/N where n = the number of observed haplotypes divided by the number of samples [1].

Results and Discussion

This population was demonstrated 100 haplotypes, of which 93 were unique. The gene diversity was 0.9998 (standard error: 0.005). The haplotype diversity calculated from the 17 Y-STR loci was 0.9977 and the discrimination capacity was 0.8890. The DYS385 locus showed the highest gene diversity value (0.8765), while the DYS391 locus showed the lowest gene diversity value (0.5033).


This work was supported by Ministry of Innovation Development of The Republic of Uzbekistan, Grant No. А-2-089+(А-2-056).


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Article Type

Research Article

Publication history

Received: March 09, 2021
Accepted: March 16, 2021
Published: April 01, 2021


Kurganov Sardarkhodja Karimovich (2021) Genetic Polymorphism of 17 Y-Chromosomal STR Loci in the “On To’rt Urıw” Tribes of Karakalpak Population. J Mol Genet Volume 4(1): 1–5. DOI: 10.31038/JMG.2021411

Corresponding author

Kurganov Sardarkhodja Karimovich
Laboratory of Forensic Biological Examination of Human DNA
Republican Centre of Forensic Expertise
Republic of Uzbekistan
Tashkent city
Chilanzar district
Chilonzarskiy reg.
House 29
Republic of Uzbekistan

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