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Benign growth of the womb’s endometrium cells outside the endometrium layer, ie, the womb’s inner layer. We describe this as a so-called ectopia of mucous membrane cells.

Such cell conglomerations occur in the uterine wall, in the Fallopian tube, in the Douglas’ space, on the ovaries and also in the free abdomen. With approximately a 5% frequency, they may also collect in the bladder, the lungs, or other body tissue.

The growth of these cells is hormone-dependent and, therefore, occurs only once women have reached sexual maturity.

Endometriosis is accompanied by severe pain before and during menstruation.

Due to the therapy-resistant pain, women often become depressive during the course of the illness. Fertility is reduced in the event of the usually present accompanying hormonal regulation disorders. Long-term organic pregnancy impediments are not that common.

Regulative correlation of the cycle

A regular cycle is controlled hormonally by epiphysis, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, ovaries, and uterus, and possibly also by interaction with the adrenal body, thymus, and pancreas. The overall regulation of the healthy female cycle has as yet not been completely clarified scientifically.

We have known from times immemorial that the female cycle is linked to the phases of the moon. The moon’s orbiting time has not changed in living memory and is still exactly 28 days.

Accordingly, until about 30 years ago, a female cycle was considered normal where it occurred regularly every 28 days (always on the same day of the week!) plus or minus one day―a period!

All other dates were more or less pathological and even in those days options for this being influenced by conventional medicine were limited. This might explain the unresisting adaptation of the gynecologists’ statements to existing facts where the ‘normal’ cycle period is concerned.

Nowadays, the female cycle is considered ‘normal’ as long as it lies somewhere between 21 and 39 days and occurs ‘regularly’.

Empirical-medical development

In view of the complex hormonal regulatory correlation inside the body, the susceptibility to dysfunction imposed on the systems by chemical substances that are hormone-effective or similarly foreign is easily understood.

From my own practice experience I noticed in the past mostly by chance that women with severe dysmenorrhea regularly experienced significant improvements for their period pain when receiving holistic treatment for additional conditions such as neurodermatitis, spinal syndrome, or hand-shoulder syndrome.

The same applied to couples who came to my practice to receive naturopathy treatment for their wish to have a child: once we had stabilized the hormonal regulation, period pains that had often not even been mentioned suddenly disappeared. These ladies had not mentioned them in their medical history because nowadays painful periods are obviously considered just as normal as pronounced cycle times deviations.

A 14-year-old who I had treated already for some time even discussed the event of her menarche with me since she knew better than parents or doctor that she had not really had her first period. In response to my perplexed enquiry as to what else her undoubted vaginal bleeding might have been then, she replied brashly: ‘That was no period! Don’t you think I will know when I have my first period? I had no pain at all―and periods always hurt badly. Everybody in my class told me so!’

General naturopathy rehabilitation steps

For the above treatments, I had regularly worked in accordance with the following therapeutic program that resulted from my applied kinesiology (AK) patient examinations:

  • At first, an intestinal rehabilitation of candidiasis and, where applicable, of pathogens such as ameba, giardia, etc. Remedies used at the time were mainly Nystatin, Sempera, and partly eg, Metronidazol. The fungal or antibiotic therapy is concluded by symbiosis guidance with probiotica such as 3-SymBiose in the first step of the first month and in the second month with 3-SymBiose plus― together with black currant oil, potassium and magnesium-calcium..
  • In parallel to the orthomolecular intestinal rehabilitation – OIR, I carried out a comprehensive hypoallergenic orthomolecular therapy – hoT – using minerals, trace elements, vitamins, and unsaturated fatty acids. In the process, great emphasis was given to pure substances without chemical additives such as magnesium stearate, colorings, flavorings, preservatives etc.
  • Once a nutritional change to natural healthy organic foods had been achieved, this was followed, depending on case and reason for the treatment, by an AK examination and therapy of the hormonal glands ― tested at the chakras ― with further hoT substances as well as phytopharmaceuticals and, where applicable, homeopathic preparations.
  • On occasion and in conclusion, a neural therapy of scars and other interference fields, a bio-resonancy, a homeopathic potent autohemic treatment in special meridian points (PEB), an ear acupuncture, or an AK-tested occlusal splint for bite correction of the mandibular joint.

Current treatment of hormonal disorders, eg. endometriosis

The above experiences as well as the inclusion of manual procedures such as osteopathy techniques and acupressure treatment in conjunction with the hoT[1] have meanwhile resulted in the following generally satisfactory procedure.

  1. Change to natural ecological fresh foods while strictly avoiding additives of all kinds. Even so-called natural additives are chemical noxious substances, which, on occasion, can cause intolerance reactions. Foodstuffs labeled as ‘free of any declarable additives’ are also on the list of foods that cannot be recommended since they do, after all, still contain additives of undefined type and quantity. In conjunction with other substances, they may have a negative influence on the body’s ability to regulate itself.
  2. Intestinal rehabilitation using a newly developed hoT combination preparation (hypo–A 3-SymBiose / plus) with three different approaches:
  • The living cultures Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis improve the symbiosis of the small intestine. Streptococcus faecium and saccharomyces cerevisiae in 3-SymBiose plus improve the large intestine. As metabolic waste products, they produce among others antibiotically effective substances such as lactocidin, acidolin, etc. as well as fatty acids as further mucous membrane protection.These excreta inhibit growth of, for example, Klebsiella, Salmonella, streptococci, pathogenic coliform bacteria, or Candida species. Multiplying of the symbionts supplied is assured by the crude fiber inulin, which is indigestible for humans.
  • The combined B5, B6 and B 12 vitamins, folic acid, and vitamin D 3 improve the barrier function of the intestinal mucous membranes and support proper digestion and absorption as well as detoxification of the liver.
  • Zinc as an essential trace element is part of more than 300 enzyme and hormone systems in the body and has, in combination with the silica used, among others a surface-stabilizing effect. In addition, silica aids detoxification of the enterohepatic circulation through absorption and export of free bile acids via the straight intestine.
  1. Extensive hoT with pure trace elements, minerals, vitamins, fatty acids etc, for a period of about 4–6 months or until pregnancy where so desired.
  2. Consistent rehabilitation of scars and interference fields, near-complete elimination of contaminating material from the teeth, eg, piercing from the body and, as far as possible, exclusion of noxious substances from the living environment.
  3. Following successful treatment, testing for residual nutritional intolerance such as wheat, milk, nuts etc, accompanied by strict avoidance of harmful substances.
  4. Where applicable acupuncture, phytotherapy, homeopathy, heavy metal extraction, osteopathy, autohemotherapy, etc.

[1] used hypoallergenic products from hypoA  GmbH, D – 23569 Luebeck,

Table of outcomes for some cases of endometriosis and, in some instances, a desire to have children


age Endo-metriosis desire to have children number
of oper-ations
total oper-ations Second-ary amenorrhea Hor-mones

outcome following holistic naturopathy treatment


28 + 3 + ia h


free of pain after 4 months


39 (+) + 1


pregnant after 9 months


42 + 1


pregnant after 5 months


33 + + 2 + 2 y


pregnant after 7 weeks*


28 + 2 + 7y ia h


free of pain after 4 weeks


34 (+) +


pregnant after 7 months”


30 + 7 + + 8 y ia


condition significantly improved*


29 + + 3


free of pain after 8 weeks*


43 + 1 + 1 y


free of pain after 4 weeks


39 (+)


free of pain after 9 weeks, pregnant after 7 months

* patient still being treated y = years ia = iatrogenic h = hormonal – poorly tolerated
” following partner treatment for ca 50,000 viable sperms, after four months hoT ca. 40 million

All the above patients encountered problems with on average three different prescribed hormone therapies and, in some instances, had come into my treatment for specifically that reason. Some of the surgeries had been performed in university clinics.

For the above patients, results stated were in most cases achieved following application of points 1–5 of the above treatment proposal. None of the patients received hormone substitution therapy. With hoT, the amazing reduction in pain symptoms is often already achieved within a few weeks.

Patient #5 for example did no longer want injections with Zoladex because of the 3-month hormonal blockade and, after only four weeks of hoT treatment, declined the injection that was then due.

Patient #10 had come to me for treatment of the dysmenorrhea/questionable endometriosis that had been pre-diagnosed as well as for spinal syndrome with slight lumbar disk prolapse. Under treatment, the prolapse had vanished within four months. Shortly afterwards, the non-intended pregnancy occurred. The healthy and spontaneously delivered child is by now three years old.

During the information session in the course of taking a medical history, I always point out the possibility of an unexpected pregnancy unless contraception is used.

A healthy female body with good regulatory ability – and that is the expressed aim of all our treatment measures – can still become pregnant normally even at 40 years of age.

Table of applied procedures / therapeutic aids:


age HOT intestinal rehabilitation* phytotherapy NMU test TUW


living environment rehabilitation visceral osteopathy heavy metal extraction

occlusal bite


28 + + + +
2 39 + + + + + + +


42 + + + + + + + +
4 33 + + +


28 + + + +
6 34 + + + + +


30 + + +
8 29 + +


43 + + + +
10 39 + + + + + + +


hoT: hypoallergenic orthomolecular therapy
* previously Nystatin and diet, since 2000 hypo-A 3-SymBiose and hypo-A 3-SymBiose plus, phytotherapy eg, with Phyto C, L Phytocortal
NMU test: nutritional intolerance test TUW test: toxic environment test


In summary it must be said that hormonal regulation disorders from dysmenorrhea through PMT and endometriosis to male and female infertility can be treated very well by naturopathy methods―without any side effects and at very little expense.

In addition to a healthy natural nutrition, therapeutic success is based on the above procedures of which, besides the rehabilitation of the bowel, hoT is certainly the most important foundation.

The main advantage of the above course of action lies in the improvement of the patient’s basic regulation. Health and well-being is assured even in those areas to which we as therapists have no direct therapeutic access. Adjuvant procedures such as acupuncture, traditional homeopathy, chiropractic, or osteopathy work more quickly, more effectively, and with more improved long-term results than without the above basic therapy.

Pregnancy as the female body’s regulative hormonal peak performance becomes the touchstone of the physician’s skill. The patients’ awareness of the necessity for a healthy food intake and life-style, of behavioral changes where required, of modifications to the living environment where it is polluted by toxic substances, etc, leads to an overall positive attitude to one’s own health and the health of the desired child.

For parents who have prepared themselves in such a way, a child is not an ‘entitlement at health insurance expense’, but a gift from the heavens―and is perceived as such. In the months prior to conception, the partners adjust to this child through their own actively healthy behavior.

They experience development and birth far more intensely as reward for their own consideration, effort, and input. A birth usually free of complications is the first compensation for their labor.

The greatest thing, however, is the fact that after such action a newborn finds its way into a far more healthy living environment since this health has been achieved through conscientious effort―at optimum health already prior to birth through the mother’s hoT and thereby perfectly prepared for adversity in our often turbulent world.

Table hoT regimen hormonal regulation disorders

table 3

Addition: Since 2010 we add hypo-A Enzymes 3×1-2 to support the digestion, to reduce food intolerance /allergies and for an optimized treatment of the intestinal microbiome

Regular healthy nutrition without additives is the fundamental prerequisite for the success of this treatment!

Article Type


Publication history

Received: July 27, 2021
Accepted: August 05, 2021
Published: August 09, 2021


Volkmann PH (2021) Causal Naturopathy Endometriosis: Therapy without Surgery and without Hormones ― in some Instances with Refertilization. Integr Gyn Obstet J Volume 4(2): 1–3.

Corresponding author

Peter-Hansen Volkmann
Scientific Head of hypo-A GmbH
23569 Lübeck