About US

About US

Zurno Plus is an open access online publisher, allowing professionals to reach out to peers and publish their findings to undergo scrutiny at their hands under the Creative Commons license. We publish journal articles, editorials, results and the latest news in the scientific community. We strives to be a forum where like minds can discuss and review the latest research and seek knowledge by exploring our Open Access Journals. We believe all knowledge should be available to everyone with the desire to learn and contribute back to society.

Our desire to strengthen core scientific values and enhance scholarly communication is only surpassed by our passion for creating a community motivated by the values of freedom and integrity.

Our Mission

Our mission is to contribute in the development and improvement of examination and innovation by giving data in exploration papers/ordered volume, this empower the scientists to know the most recent advancements in the different territories of science on a worldwide level, in this manner at last results new disclosures. Articles will be openly accessible to worldwide group.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to build towards a better future where knowledge is seen as a commodity to be shared and peruse for free.

  • To be seen as a front-runner in the distribution of Open Access knowledge as a peer-reviewed journal online publisher
  • To be considered as a supportive and reliable peer-review destination by students, researchers and scientists alike
  • To be considered as the community to exchange ideas, thoughts and innovative methods
  • To be transparent in its review and accepting as a community and as a peer-reviewed journal in the world

Our Mission

Zurno Plus is on a mission to strengthen scientific inquiry as a peer-reviewed journal. Our drive to achieve our objectives is fueled by these core principles

  • Unhindered swapping of knowledge
  • Availability of knowledge to those who seek it
  • Cooperation and collaboration
  • Unadulterated distribution of thoughts and ideas
  • Displaying integrity at every milestone

Our Objectives

Zurno Plus as a peer-reviewed online access journal has four primary goals.

  • Foster scientific thought and reasoning
  • Being Regarded as a fair and dependable Open Access journal and resource by students pursuing the sciences and research as a tool to learn and grow
  • Build a community of researchers and science enthusiasts eager to learn and help
  • Encourage interdisciplinary communication and contribution building towards the holistic generation and dissemination of knowledge


Zurno Plus, as a peer-reviewed journal online publisher, boasts of a team of world renowned scientists, researchers, doctors, and academicians. With a maximum turnaround time of two weeks from submission to review, research open world is calling for open access journal submissions from knowledge creators around the world.

Collaborate and interact with some of the finest peers and contributors in your specialization using research open world as a platform. Students and doctoral candidates can use research open world as a stepping stone, gaining exposure and collaborating with established professionals.